How To Travel From Ho Chi Minh Vietnam To Siem Reap Cambodia?
Our car rnetal company service in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam is a proud of the private taxi transport service to Moc Bai border, car rental for tour service from Ho Chi Minh airport to Cambodia.
Not only the travellers benefit with the easy border crossing between Vietnam and Cambodia, if there is a group of people who find this border useful, it’s definitely the expats of Vietnam too.
Either you had to do your visa run ( not for all Asian tourists ) because you are waiting for your new visa or simply want to explore Cambodia on your holiday, this car rental company from Ho Chi Minh to Cambodia will guide you understand how to cross the border easily and smoothly for your trip to Cambodia.

How To Travel From Ho Chi Minh Vietnam To Siem Reap Cambodia?
Moc Bai Border Gate in Tay Ninh Province
Moc Bai Border Gate is located about 70km northwest of Ho Chi Minh City. We are available for the private taxi transfers from Ho Chi Minh to Moc Bai border for your visa extension service and return to the Ho Chi Minh or go ahead to Cambodia by this way, along the highway 22A, across Moc Bai Border Gate to Cambodia.
Sa Mat Border Gate in Tay Ninh Province
Sa Mat Border Gate is located in Tan Lap floating village area, Tan Bien District, Tay Ninh Province. From Go Dau Townlet in Tay Ninh Province, along the highway 22B, across Sa Mat Border Gate to Cambodia.
Dinh Ba Border Gate in Dong Thap Province
Dinh Ba Border Gate is located in Tan Hong District, 107km from Cao Lanh City. From Cao Lanh City along the highway 30 to Hong Ngu Townlet, across Sa Rai Townlet, Dinh Ba Border Gate to Bontia Chak Cray (Prey Veng, Cambodia).
Tinh Bien Border Gate in An Giang Province
Tinh Bien Border Gate is 25km southwest of Chau Doc Town, An Giang Province. From Long Xuyen City in An Giang Province, along the highway 91, across Tinh Bien Border Gate to Cambodia.
Xa Xia Border Gate in Kien Giang Province
Located 70km from Ha Tien Town, Xa Xia Border Gate connects Kampot, Cambodia.
Vinh Xuong Border Gate in An Giang Province
Vinh Xuong Waterway Border Gate is 30km north of Chau Doc Town, An Giang Province. It takes 40 minutes on the Tien River from the wharf at Victoria Chau Doc Hotel to Vinh Xuong Border Gate by motor-boat, then you complete customs and immigration procedure to go to Phnom Penh.
All buses and private car transfers from Ho Chi Minh to Cambodia must stop here before you can reach Sihanoukville, Siem Reap, and Kampot.

What the way to cross the border from Ho Chi Minh to Cambodia?
By Air
Land Crossing; Motorbike or Bus
How long is the bus ride from Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh?
Normally the bus ride should take about 7 hours, however, this is depending on the bus companies and the border itself. Some take about 8 hours or more since the border closes at 22h00 in the evening.
What are the requirements when crossing from Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh?
The requirements are pretty straightforward:
Passport valid for the next six months
Visa to Cambodia – check here if you need a visa to Cambodia
If you need a visa, you can apply here or pay at the border the $35 fee – their land border is known for scams, we highly suggest you get your visa/evisa beforehand .Which is the best bus to take from Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh .
There are a handful of buses you can take but six hours can be long, for this, you want to make sure to get a comfortable and reliable bus company. Here are our suggestions:

Giant Ibis – all good reviews both from tourist and expats, they offer really comfortable berth beds, toilet and free bottled water is included.
Mekong Express – cheaper than Giant Ibis, regular seating bus, toilet, and a free snack and bottled water bottle.
Kumho Samco – cheaper than Mekong Express, mostly preferred by the locals
The Sinh Tourist – used to be popular with the tourist but it is known that there is a fake Sinh Tourist which received bad reviews. Price is almost the same as Giant Ibis.
How to crosos the border?
Check before, please! if you need a visa to enter Cambodia
If you need a visa, we suggest you get it from this car rental agent in Ho Chi Minh to avoid any scams at the border. All the customers have been using their service and never had any issues. Print your visa/evisa.

Book a private car rental with driver from Ho Chi Minh of your preferred date, time, and bus company in advance. Most of the time it is not required to book in advance, however, if you travel with time sensitivity, we recommend you to do this. Especially if you are not aware with the public holidays of both countries.
Confirm from your bus company where you should go to be picked up, some companies can pick you up right at your accommodation.
Once you get to the exit border of Vietnam, get off the bus to have your passport stamped. Remember to bring all your luggage too especially your valuables although there are cases that you can leave your luggage in the bus (ask the conductor).
Walk to the entry border of Cambodia, present your visa or visa letter and have your passport stamped. Make sure you have all your luggage with you. The border is a little bit chaotic, keep an eye on one of the people on the same bus as you to make sure you don’t get lost.

Get back on the bus and enjoy the rest of the trip.
At the bus terminal, you can easily walk to the main tourist area or you can also take a tuk-tuk to your accommodation. You can download an offline map called Maps.Me
How to get to Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Koh Rong, or Kampot from Phnom Penh
As I mentioned above, all buses have to stop by Phnom Penh before they head to other cities. You can simply book a bus from Phnom Penh to your next destinations.
Travel times from Phnom Penh to the other major tourist cities:
Siem Reap: 4-5 hours
Sihanoukville: 4 hours
Kampot: 4 hours
Battambang: 5-6 hours (you need to stop at Siem Reap for a connection bus)
Koh Rong: 5 hours (you need to stop at Sihanoukville and take a boat from there)
How to cross from Ho Chi Minh airport to Cambodia by private car rental from Ho Chi Minh?
If you are travelling from Ho Chi Minh airport to Cambodia and you wish to cross the border through driving yourself, it is easy and possible. Make sure you have all the requirements and have done your research on this trip.

Your passport valid for the next six months
Your visa to enter Cambodia – get it in advance to avoid the scams at the border
Documents that prove you own the motorbike you are driving; blue card, receipt of the purchase
Your valid international driver’s license
The most common and what we highly recommend border you should cross is the Moc Bai (Vietnam side) and Bavet (Cambodia side). Remember that Moc Bai border is open between 6.00am-10.00pm while Bavet border is open from 8.00am-8.00pm.
If you, unfortunately, didn’t make it to the office hours, there are hotels and guest houses you can stay for the night.
We hope that you find this article about crossing the border between Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh as useful as possible. If you more inputs from your own experience, let us know in the comment section below so we can add it.
Please contact with us our travel agent from Ho Chi Minh here.
Webiste: https://www.vietnamtrustcarrental.com/
Tips for experience travel in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam here
How to avoid the taxi scam at Ho Chi Minh airport?