How To Avoid The Taxi Scam While Traveling To Ho Chi Minh Vietnam?
How To Avoid The Taxi Scam While Traveling To Ho Chi Minh Vietnam?
This is a trus tourist story for a couple of Australian travel to Ho Chi Minh Vietnam for 5 years ago and now we are here share for you a good experience how to avoid the taxi scam while traveling to Ho Chi Minh Vietnam?

There are several scam taxi drivers in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City that try to tell you about a cheap quotes for the pick around the town from 5$-10$ but there are too much of the hidden charge that you will not know before going to with him.
The couple of the Australian tourist is an victims of the taxi scam service in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam. as the story as below:
They lost cash after falling for relatively similar tricks employed by two different scam taxi driver in the downtown area.
The bad news? They were not the only victims.
A common trick these scammers use is insisting they be paid what the taxi meter shows, even though the foreign passengers offer generous tips.
The passengers will thus have to take out their wallet to find money, which is not an easy task as they are not familiar with Vietnamese banknotes.
Then, the cabby will try to create a messy situation to distract the tourists from their wallet and steal their cash without them even noticing.
The Australian tourist took the fake taxi driver used a newspaper to write down the amount of money he wanted to be paid and showed it to her husband, while the paper was in fact used to cover his hands stealing VND1.5 million (US$70) from him.
In the meantime, dropped some of his money onto the scam taxi driver floor after the driver tried to grab his envelop, where he kept the banknotes. The cabby quickly took AU$250 ($182) when he was busy collecting the bills back.

The couple of Australian is offered to pay VND30,000 for a VND27,000 ride, whereas the Australian tourist generously gave VND100,000 even when the meter showed only VND23,000. But in both cases the drivers refused to take the gratuities.
“The driver who robb - Mr David is a local guys at the airport of Saigon is a member of a team in charge of assisting and guarding tourists in the city’s downtown.
David is the man who helped this couple of Australian find the scam taxi driver and got back his money.
The Australian thought he was helped by a police officer, but David actually a member of the ‘tourist guard’ team, managed by Vietnam Budget Car Rental Company is a private car rental with driver in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam.
The team members wear green uniforms and stand guard in front of popular attractions in the downtown area, ready to help foreign tourists.
“The dishonest cabby (who defrauded The couple of Australian) always targets foreigners, and he drives more than one fake taxi,” David revealed.
“Today he will be a fake Mai Linh taxi driver, and tomorrow he’d disguise himself as a taxi driver cabby.
“Police officers are kept informed of his cheating.”
Asked to be separately seated

The couple of Australian managed to have photos of the taxis that defrauded them, which show they were victimized by two different scammers.
The Australian tourist, in a separate email sent to Tuoi Tre News, also described another trick by such fraudulent taxi drivers.
“I think there are some taxi drivers in Ho Chi Minh City who try to separate wife and husband into front and back seats to cause confusion and argument to distract passengers,” he told to our company.
Before stealing the couple of Australian’s cash, the scam fake Mai Linh driver taxi asked him and his wife to sit separately, and the couple was told to do the same when they flagged down another cab after the incident, which helped them realize it was indeed a trap.
“After our experience with the taxi driver from fake Mai Linh taxi service, we looked for another taxi to take us back to our hotel,” he recounted.
“We waved down one outside the Saigon Central Post Office, and the driver indicated that I should get into the front seat and my wife into the rear, just like the bad driver we had at the Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica.”
Realizing it was a ‘bait’ similar to what he had previously undergone, The couple of Australian refused to sit as he was told, and got into the back seat with his wife.
“It was at this point that the driver made indications with his car key that he could not start the cab and that we should get out and hail another taxi,” he said.
The couple eventually got out of the cab, only to see that “ten seconds later the car 'magically' started and drove off without us.”
David, the tourist guard, eventually helped him hail an authentic cab.
Seek help from tourist guards
David said his teammates know clearly which taxi drivers are dishonest, so it is recommended that foreign visitors request assistance from the team.
“After helping The couple of Australian get back his money and flag down a taxi, I told the dishonest driver not to continue swindling foreign tourists as it just ruins the image of the city,” David said.
Please, see our customers reference on the tourist blogger in Indonesia as below:
The tourist guard revealed that fraudulent taxi drivers usually offer to give the team ‘coffee money’ to ignore them, but they will never accept it.

“I hate dishonesty so I always keep a close watch to be able to provide help on time,” David said, explaining why he could easily help the The couple of Australian to find the driver who had cheated them.
“I just do my job to keep the image of this city a beautiful one.”
Our car rental company is a disputable car rental with driver in Vietnam of the tourist guards can speak English, so visitors will have no problem asking them for help.
“We are tasked with protecting foreign tourists when they are disturbed by street vendors or overcharged...!
My advice for all the tourists are coming to Ho Chi Minh Vietnam must book a private car rental in Vietnam with our agents in advance.
See the best thing to do and see in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam as below: