All You Need To Know About The Traffic Signs In Vietnam
It's important to remember that driving in Vietnam can be very different from driving in other countries, and it's always a good idea to be cautious and attentive when on the road.
Before driving entry to all the roads in Vietnam so All You Need To Know About The Traffic Signs In Vietnam that is very important for you to make a safe journey.
There are 8 main traffic signs in Vietnam:
1.Danger sign
2.Priority sign
3.Prohibition sign
4.Command sign
5.Signposts sign
6.Information signboard
7.Direction, position & indicator sign
8.Side sea sign
All of the traffic signs in Vietnam also follow the international system of road signs, which means that many of the signs will be familiar to drivers from other countries. However, there are also some unique signs that are specific to Vietnam.
Stop Sign - The stop sign in Vietnam is an octagonal shape with a red background and white letters spelling "STOP" in both English and Vietnamese.
Yield Sign - The yield sign in Vietnam is a triangular shape with a red border and a white background. It has a black exclamation mark in the center and the word "NHƯỢNG" written in both English and Vietnamese.
No Parking Sign - The no parking sign in Vietnam is a circular sign with a red border and a white background. It has a black car inside a red circle with a slash through it, and the word "CẤM ĐỖ" in both English and Vietnamese.
Speed Limit Sign - The speed limit sign in Vietnam is a circular sign with a red border and a white background. It has a black number indicating the maximum speed limit in kilometers per hour (km/h), and the word "TỐC ĐỘ TỐI ĐA" in both English and Vietnamese.
Turn Left/Right Sign - The turn left/right sign in Vietnam is a square sign with a white background and a red border. It has an arrow pointing to the left/right in black, and the words "RẼ TRÁI/PHẢI" in both English and Vietnamese.
Pedestrian Crossing Sign - The pedestrian crossing sign in Vietnam is a yellow diamond-shaped sign with a black border and a black figure of a person walking. It also has the word "DỪNG LẠI KHI CÓ NGƯỜI ĐI BỘ" in both English and Vietnamese.
School Zone Sign - The school zone sign in Vietnam is a yellow diamond-shaped sign with a black border and the image of two children walking. It also has the words "VÙNG TRƯỜNG HỌC" in both English and Vietnamese.
These are just a few examples of the road signs you might encounter when driving in Vietnam. It's important to always pay attention to the road signs and follow them carefully to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.
follow the international system of road signs, which means that many of the signs will be familiar to drivers from other countries. However, there are also some unique signs that are specific to Vietnam.
How If I could not ready the traffic signs by the Vietnames language?
Language: Most road signs in Vietnam are written in both Vietnamese and English, although some signs may only be in Vietnamese. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with some basic Vietnamese phrases if you plan to drive in Vietnam.
Colors: As mentioned earlier, the stop sign in Vietnam is red with white letters, while the yield sign is red and white with a black exclamation mark. Other signs, such as the speed limit sign, may be circular with a red border and a white background, or may have different colors to indicate different types of information.
Symbols: In addition to words, road signs in Vietnam also use symbols to convey information. For example, the no parking sign features a picture of a car with a red circle and slash through it, while the pedestrian crossing sign features a picture of a person walking.
Road markings: In addition to road signs, Vietnam also uses road markings to help guide drivers. For example, yellow lines in the center of the road indicate a two-way road, while white lines indicate a one-way road. Blue markings on the road may indicate parking areas or other specific areas for vehicles.
Read more : All prohibition traffic signs in Vietnam
Unique signs: While many road signs in Vietnam will be familiar to drivers from other countries, there are also some unique signs that are specific to Vietnam.
For example, there may be signs indicating that you are entering or leaving a "thị trấn," which is a type of administrative subdivision in Vietnam similar to a town or small city.
It's important to remember that driving in Vietnam can be very different from driving in other countries, and it's always a good idea to be cautious and attentive when on the road. If you're unfamiliar with driving in Vietnam, consider taking a driver's education course or hiring a local driver to help you navigate the roads.
1. All of the traffic warning signs in Vietnam










2.All of the mandatory signs in Vietnam


3. All of the Indication signs in Vietnam









